Locked Out

Posted on Aug 15, 2011 in India | 1 comment

Emily is Sick Today

Yesterday after lunch Emily started feeling sick. When we got back to Shunem we found out she indeed was. After several hours of the sickness, she finally fell asleep. We woke in the night to a sound we had not heard before. “I think the mouse is messing with the trap.” Emily said. This was a reasonable guess. We have a couple mice in our room that have got to be some of the smartest mice ever. When I initially laid the trap outside of the hole, one of them licked it clean, then moved it to a spot where it would be less bothersome. Then they went on to eat holes in some of our clothes, like they do every night. Since then I have started putting it in strategic places without bait, trying different techniques such as putting a scrap of paper over it to try and trick the mouse. Nothing seemed to work.

Until last night. I have learned that a well-placed mousetrap requires no bait. I knew the mice couldn’t resist coming and eating our clothes, so I took advantage of the size of their hole. I placed the trap right in the hole opening, and used old tuna cans I found to channel the first mouse into position. Nailed it. One more to go (to my knowledge.)

Anyway… after a not-so-restful sleep Emily woke up thinking she was better. After about an hour she realized she was not and went back up to bed. This is where we arrive at the title of this post: I have been locked out of our room since. I hope this is simply because Emily is sleeping too soundly to hear when I’ve knocked the times I’ve gone by to check on her.

I’m writing this from the office computer, so I will have to apologize for the lack of cute photos of kids. Next time.

I’ll keep you updated regarding Emilyclaire, probably via the facebook.

1 Comment

  1. Heading home after a great week at OCBC. I hope you are feeling better, Emily. Give us an update!
    Lots of love to you both,
    Mom and Dad

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