Posts made in November, 2011

The Garden Snake

Posted on Nov 30, 2011 in India | 0 comments

My India Trip Will be Complete When… I told Emily a few times that although we had seen so many great things, my trip would really only be complete when I saw a cobra. She always heartily disagreed, but I still wanted the thrill of seeing a killer in its natural habitat. The other day as we were walking back from lunch one of the other volunteers, Ellie, called me over. “There is a garden snake over here if you want to see it.” Emily doesn’t like snakes and headed up to the room, not too interested. I went over to get a look and didn’t recognize the particular genus of serpent. The general rule around Shunem is to kill any snake you see in case it is...

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Posted on Nov 28, 2011 in India | 1 comment

When we arrived at Shunem he didn’t have his two front teeth, and hadn’t had them when he arrived here in June either. His gums were super thick and we saw no evidence that new teeth were ever going to come in.

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Honey Bees

Posted on Nov 25, 2011 in India | 6 comments

About a month ago we noticed a huge swarm of bees buzzing near our room. When we went investigate we saw a big hive connected to the vines snaking their way up the wall. We weren’t sure what kind of bees they were, so we figured we should tell someone. If they were some dangerous sort we wouldn’t want them attacking any children or old people.

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Rajalaxshmi and Sailajah

Posted on Nov 17, 2011 in India | 4 comments

The Best of Friends There are two little girls here named Rajalaxshmi and Sailajah.  They are both so so sweet. When we first arrived at Shunem, Rajalaxshmi had only been here for a few weeks.  She walked around all the time just crying or looking lost.  You could have her sit down next to you and try to make her smile but she always just looked so so sad and would never say a word. Sailajah had only been at Shunem for a few days and had just gotten over Hepatitis B and was too weak to even walk around.  When she got healthier she turned out to be a bit of a menace.  She would walk up to other kids and even volunteers and just slap them as hard as she could in the...

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Our Holiday, Part Two

Posted on Nov 15, 2011 in India | 3 comments

Our arrival in Kerala was as perfectly not stressful as we could have wanted. We had never dealt with an Indian travel agency before, or really any kind of travel agency. However, Kerala Adventures was a great way to go. The company owner met us at the airport, introduced us to our driver, and handed us our hotel vouchers for the week. All we had to do was ride along and we would get anywhere we wanted to go.

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