Rajalaxshmi and Sailajah

Posted on Nov 17, 2011 in India | 4 comments

The Best of Friends

There are two little girls here named Rajalaxshmi and Sailajah.  They are both so so sweet.

When we first arrived at Shunem, Rajalaxshmi had only been here for a few weeks.  She walked around all the time just crying or looking lost.  You could have her sit down next to you and try to make her smile but she always just looked so so sad and would never say a word.

Sailajah had only been at Shunem for a few days and had just gotten over Hepatitis B and was too weak to even walk around.  When she got healthier she turned out to be a bit of a menace.  She would walk up to other kids and even volunteers and just slap them as hard as she could in the hand.  She was always saying bad words in Telugu, and even tried to rub wet henna on Emily’s sari, not a nice thing to do.

As the two of them got more comfortable here they turned out to be absolutely precious.  They’re cousins and best best friends.  They love hugging each other, and have the prettiest princess smiles.  They never hit any of the other kids and never say bad words.  They are always giggling and talking away to each other in Telugu.  My favorite thing that they have learned to do is give kisses.  Sailajah will gently pinch a little part of you and then kiss her fingers, and Rajalaxshmi will kiss you on the lips over and over again.


  1. The one on the yellow slide is my favorite too.

  2. Nice to hear what u are doing over there! We are sitting here with everyone in the balmy breeze listening to your stories. God bless! Love Doug and Sylvia

  3. Ha!love all the changing expressions -especially the one on the yellow slide. What a great skeptic face “What are you doing now?” I always feel that your photos are so incedible. They always make me feel like I’m there even for just a minute.Nice work you two.
    Love Love LOVE you both!

  4. Super cute! Made my day. TMP. And I am in paradise. So that is quite an accomplishment. Also made cry a little. Not going to lie. Miss you. xoxoxoxoxo

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