Send Us a Note

We miss you all . . . please send us a note!

Use the form below to send us a note. Or, if you like, send us something in the mail!

Colton and Emily Walker
G.P.O Box 159
Hyderabad, AP
India 500001


  1. You’re home!!!!!!!!

  2. Post -thanksgiving cousin sleepover night : eating pizza, playing games, holding baby Charlie. Tommy , Nichole and Peter joined the festivities this year. Missing you and sending you lots of love and thinking aobut a family reunion so soon.

  3. (Also…you get the classiest missionary/travel blog award ; )

  4. Hello Colton and Emily,

    It is hard to believe that you have been gone for several months. I think about you more than you will ever know and miss you much. It is wonderful to set goals and challenges and to realize their completion in just about 30 days. Of course the kind of work that you are doing is never finished, but it is great to assess how far you have come. I will continue to pray for you and ask God to continue to surround and keep you in His perfect peace.
    Emily, thanks so much for the hymn; both are super, :”God be in my Head” and 426. Can’t wait until 20012 when you guys will be at the Hymn Sing.
    Lots of X and O, in His name, Lorraine Faxio

  5. Hi Emily and Colton! Wow. What incredible pictures! You guys are really making a difference in those children’s lives. I know they must love you. We miss you and can’t wait until you come home.

    This is Hannah I miss you being my babysitter. But I think you are doing a very nice thing. I can’t WAIT to see you again!Heres Gabby.

  6. Look’s like you guys are having an amazing time in India!
    I just wanted to say hello and let you know you are missed!
    NC is quite boring so hopefully after graduation I’ll see you guys abroad somewhere in this crazy, crazy world.

    Stay happy and healthy,

    Chris J

  7. Hi,all
    I just happened to see your dad at the rink the other night and i asked him how you were.He told me that you and your lovely wife are doing the best thing a person could do.Giving your time and love to people in need.Enjoy your time their and eachother.
    Great people doing great things.
    Katie @ the Box

  8. Hey Aunt Lorraine!
    I think the hymn you are thinking of is 416. It starts “the duteous day now closeth”. If that isn’t the one let me know, but that one is definitely worth learning/teaching. It is really interesting and lovely. Thanks for checking the blog, hope you like it!
    Colton and Emily

  9. Chelsea says…I miss you and have a great time India. Jeidy says hi Colton and Emily how are you. I miss you guys. Genesis says … Hi, I miss you. Hope to hear all your wonderful stories soon. We liked the stories about the cow on the sidewalk, Chelsea likes the do not urine here, genesis liked the cow on the sidewalk. xoxoxoxoxo

  10. Hello Emily and Colton,
    Great to here from you and learn more of the work that you are doing. Thank you so much for the information and history about the home. Thanks for sharing some of the history of the Home. I had no idea that that there were 74 children plus some elderly in the Home. Sheva is just precious and seems that he is a joy.
    You and Emily look as if you are enjoying your work and adventure. Please know that we miss you and love. I will especially miss you on Sunday (Singing Sunday). Colton, I did not write down the name of that beautiful new hymn that we sang at your last Singing Sunday. If you remember the name or number I would like to have it. I need to put it in my notes.

    I pray that God will continue to bless you and keep you in His perfect peace. Yes, that is what I see, I see that you and Emily look very peaceful.

    Love in His name,
    sis. Lorraine Faxio

  11. Miss and love you both! Leaving for JMU tomorrow and thinking of you. I’ll send you a letter sometime soon!

    xoxo rinnieroo2

  12. Leaving for OCBC tomorrow. Missing you and hoping you are having a great week. Love you xo tmp:)

  13. Hi, Guys
    Just thinking about you and wondering what adventures and activities you’re up to this week. Time for another update maybe?
    Love you tons,

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