Shunem Is Best Served Full

Posted on Jun 4, 2013 in India, Uncategorized | 7 comments

Sunday was the best day. We walked back from the conference centre in mid afternoon planning on taking a rest after a fun yet exhausting CYC weekend. Our plans were immediately cut short when we opened the Shunem gate. Ten or so of the little ones ran up shouting our names and wrapped their little arms around our legs. They were back. And not only were they back, but 13 new kids had arrived as well!

New children coming to Shunem is really nice and really hard. They say goodbye to their parents and don’t really understand why they won’t see them for a long time. Usually they cry and scream, and often have to be held back as their parents walk back through the gate. They have been here for a few days now, and a couple are still crying constantly. The older kids have a really good understanding of what it feels like, and they know exactly how to help. We’ve seen teenage boys lay down cricket bats and go pick up and comfort crying tinies. It’s pretty cool. The older kids see them as a new bunch of brothers and sisters and accept them into the family straight away.

Shunem rules.

This is Vishnu, the younger brother of Venkatesh and Sai Ram. He is also so, so tiny, and so, so cute.

This little girl is named Cardoo. She is so small, there is basically no way she is any older than 2. She has been crying on and off for her mommy and daddy. We got her to smile and perk up by showing her pictures of herself. Adorable.

Soni, Moni, and Chintu are in the middle in the red and blue dresses and the purple, green, and yellow striped shirt. While they were home on holiday they told their parents that they shouldn’t be worshipping idols but should be reading the Bible instead. Their parents listened.

These baby cakes are gorgeous.


  1. Awesome. :-)

  2. : ) I love how quickly the kids welcome each other, and so glad you were there to welcome them too!

  3. I love seeing these pictures and reading about things there…..what a blessing that Shunem is there! And the children are ALL so adorable!

  4. Glad to see your arms/hearts full

  5. That warmed my heart. Thanks.

  6. Reading this made my day. Thank you for taking time to post the blog. It is really, really heart warming.

  7. I love that Soni, Moni & Chintu told their parents that! Brilliant! :) Sarah told me of one time Pooja was home and wouldn’t let her mum eat a meal without praying first. Her mum didn’t know what to say in a prayer, so Pooja told her to say “Thank you God, Amen”
    Keep the updates coming, I love reading them!

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